
Web dev

arminmiau website

My website that you are currently on right now. Built with Svelte(Kit) and deployed to Vercel. Components from shadcn-svelte.

published 7th September, 2024


locally hosted

My hometab for shortcuts and email inboxes. Previously written as a plain JS SPA, now rewritten in Svelte.

on GitHub since 22nd July, 2023

Custom images


available as OCI image and ISO file

A custom Universal Blue Aurora image with more dev tools like Rider and nodejs preinstalled. OCI image built using bluebuild, ISO built using JasonN3’s build-container-installer.

on GitHub since 6th September, 2024

Game dev

Unannounced game

using Godot

A survival craft open world rpg, with a class system inspired by games like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 and New World, that I have been planning to develop.

more TBA